
Here are a list of other piping related links, or links closely related to our band :

The Scottish Piping Society of London

The National Piping Centre

Feel free to use the following useful links :

Social Networking:

Rose and Thistle Facebook Group
Rose and Thistle Twitter feed
Rose and Thistle YouTube Channel

Piping Supplies:

RG Hardie
David Naill and Co
Murray Henderson
Korg Tuners
Bagpipes of Caledonia
Kinnaird Bagpipes and Reeds
National Piping Centre Shop
The College of Piping
John Walsh Bagpipes

Drumming Supplies:

Scott Currie Percussion
Adante Drums
Premier Percussion
Tyler Fry
Twisted Thistle
Pearl Drums
Scott Niven

Uniform Supplies:

House of Scotland

Other great links:

Bob Dunsire Forums
RSPBA Website
RSPBA London Branch
Planet Pipe
CLASP Piping
Royal Navy Pipe Band Association
Wight Hot Pipes