Joe Ritchie

As we prepare for another trip to Cologne it seemed like a good time to remember one of our best-loved pipers.

We lost Joe on 29th Dec 2017 and many of the band members said goodbye to him on 19th Jan 2018.

Although Joe first took up the chanter as a young boy in the BB, he didn’t really start to learn until later in life. He was already an accomplished musician though, and this served him very well, along with his own determination. Joe became one of our most loyal members, turning out to band jobs whenever he could, supporting both the R&T and the RNPBA at various events.

Just as importantly, his sense of humour, enthusiasm and personality made a huge impact on us. He was always ready with a comment on current events or a dit from his navy days. A practice night or a band job were never dull with Joe around.

A great loss to the band but also as a trusted friend who was always ready to offer any help he could.

Joe did his first Cologne Carnival last year and enjoyed it immensely. I’m sure he’ll be with us when raise a glass or toast him with our own special teacakes.

Slainte Joe


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